brew install haskell-stack
建立專案 1 2 3 4 5 stack new my-project cd my-projectstack setup stack build stack exec my-project-exe
stack ghci
專案結構 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 . ├── LICENSE ├── Setup.hs ├── app │ └── Main.hs ├── my-project.cabal ├── src │ └── Lib.hs ├── stack.yaml └── test └── Spec.hs
使用別人 Lib
stack install aeson
my-project.cabal 1 2 build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5 ,aeson
執行,測試 1 2 3 4 stack test is the same as stack build --test stack bench is the same as stack build --bench stack haddock is the same as stack build --haddock stack install is the same as stack build --copy-bins
Stack, Haskell 教學相關
Json Parse (aeson)
ghci 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 :set -isrc/utils -isrc/subsystem :load "blah.hs" let json = BS .pack "{\"lines\":1,\"date\":\"2012-01-04T01:44:22.964Z\",\"paste-id\":\"1\",\"fork\":null,\"random-id\":\"f1fc1181fb294950ca4df7008\",\"language\":\"Clojure\",\"private\":false,\"url\":\"\",\"user\":\"raynes\",\"contents\":\"(begin)\"}" decode json :: Maybe Paste let (Just x) = decode json :: Maybe Paste getDate x